Why are LLC’s so common?

Adam Keilen What should I be doing if I already have one? Limited liability companies (LLC’s) offer LLC owners personal protection from business debts, lawsuits, and other liabilities, just like…

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What Is a Contract of Adhesion? Adam Keilen A contract of adhesion is a standard form drafted by one party, usually a party with stronger bargaining power, and signed by…

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Damages for Breach of Contract

Adam Keilen How are damages calculated for contract disputes? Expectation Damages. Generally, if your lawsuit involves a contract, the contract damages (also called “expectation damages”) are calculated so as to…

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Copyright Protection

Adam Keilen What is Copyright protection? Does my Business/Company have any rights? Copyright protection grants certain rights to authors of “original works of authorship.” The protected work includes literary, dramatic,…

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Contract Interpretation

Adam Keilen Contract Law. The most basic principle in contract law is simple, “a contract is a promise, and promises ought to be kept.” Contract Interpretation. Contract interpretation often controls…

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Decanting Statutes in Michigan

Adam Keilen Decanting is the discretionary exercise of a fiduciary power to appoint assets in trust, meaning, under IRC 2652, to “effect an arrangement that although not a trust, has…

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What constitutes acceptance of an offer?

Adam Keilen When it comes to contracts, under Michigan common law, what constitutes acceptance of an offer? Under M Civ JI § 142.13, Acceptance, acceptance is a statement or conduct…

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Buy-Sell Agreements

Adam Keilen Questions Surrounding Buy-Sell Agreements. What happens when one partner is ready to exit the business? What are they entitled to? What are the surrounding terms and conditions of…

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Transfer Property From Parent to Child

The Michigan legislature passed a new law that impacts the way Michigan residential property taxes are assessed. Proposal A went into effect in January, 1995, and limited the amount a…

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